
Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

IMPACT - Bandung 2009

Temukan di sini.

- Pembukaan dibuka untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia

- Peserta tidak dibatasi umur

- pendaftaran dibuka pada tanggal 10 September 2009 - 20 Oktober 2009

- Pendaftaran akan dibuka secara Online ataupun Offline,

- untuk pendaftaran Online, kirimkan dokumen file yang dibutujhkan dalam satu folder ke : dengan subject: Cosplay Competition

-Untuk pendaftaran offline silakan ambil dan lengkapi formulir di di :
DG Animart, Jl. Surya Sumantri 76c Lt.Dasar (Igie : 022 8144 4544)

Yang perlu dilampirkan saat pelampiran :
* Foto yang memakai Cosplay (3 Pose)
* Foto Referensi Character
* Foto in progress (untuk kostum buatan sendiri) minimal 5 foto,
peserta harus ada didalamnya.

* foto copy ID (KTP/SIM/KTM/Kartu Pelajar/Pasport)
* Semua foto diberikan dalam bentuk data

- foto akan diseleksi untuk final tanggal 7 November 2009

- untuk finalis yang terpilih akan dikabari melalui website IMPACT dan E-mail

- untuk finalis yang terpilih harus mengkonfirmasi maksimal pada tanggal 30 Oktober, di DG Animart (boleh diwakilkan) dan membawa :

*print bukti finalis
* audio yang akan digunakan (bila memakai), dengan aturan sbb :
1. Untuk single, di edit max. 2 menit
2. Untuk group, di edit max. 3 menit
3. Tidak menggunakan penyulih suara(voice actors/actress) original.
4. diberikan dalam bentuk data.

kategori yang dikompetisikan

Single, Duet, Group Cosplay
- Kostum berdasarkan animasi, film, komik, dan game, tidak terikat dari negara manapun

- Kostum boleh buatan sendiri, buatan orang lain dan beli

- untuk group maksimal 5 orang

- akan dipilih, max 20 semi-finalis untuk kategori single, 10 untuk couple dan 5 untuk group

Single Original Cosplay

-Kostum harus memiliki sentuhan Indonesia

-Kostum merupakan modifikasi modern(bila berdasarkan legenda/karakter Indonesia)

-akan dipilih max 20 semi-finalis untuk kategori ini

Tokusatsu, Metal Figure and Mecha cosplay :single

- Kostum bebas dari tokusatsu atau metal heroes dari negara manapun

- akan dipilih max 10 semi-finalis untuk kategori ini

Peraturan Kompetisi utama

- Finalis diwajibkan daftar ulang di main event pada waktu yang ditentukan (diluar waktu itu TIDAK akan dilayani)

- urutan kemunculan akan disesuaikan dengan urutan audio pada saat konfirmas, dan tidak akan ada pengulangan.

- Finalis diwajibkan berkumpul dibelakan gpanggung min. 15 menit sebelum penjurian dimulai.

- Untuk penjurian untuk kostum dengan bagian dada, perut dan paha yang terbuka, diwajibkan memakai 'skin clothes' tambahan (tidak memperlihatkan bagian dada dan pusar), untuk foto tidak perlu

-properti tidak boleh terbuat dari bahan kaca ataupun bahan beracaun (aerosol dsb.)

- properti tidak menggunakan senjata tajam ataupun senjata api

- properti senjata mainan, tidak berisi amunisi

- Foto finalis dipublish di website IMPACT < >

- penggunaan senjata api (petasan0 dilarang

- penggunaan air dilarang

- penamiplan panggung tidak boleh menyinggung SARA

- Batasan fan-service untuk penampilan panggung

- untuk fan-service love interest sebatas berpelukan dan berpegangan tangan

- Tidak melakukan gerakan yang berunsur erotis

NB : please visit for more information...

Bagi Cosplayer dari Jakarta yang mau ke event IMPACT pada tgl 7 Nov (puncak acara cosplay), boleh mengikuti rombongan ICON. Kami akan menyediakan transportasi dengan biaya Rp 65.000/org (penyewaan bus utk min 30 org). Silahkan mendaftar ke sls[at] dengan SUBJECT: GO FOR IMPACT selambat-lambatnya tgl 31 Oct 2009.
Data yg diperlukan:

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Canada Toy Expo

Di CANADA, juga diadakan pameran mainan (toys). Di sini.

China Toy Expo 2010

Ada pameran TOYS di China : di sini homepagenya.

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

Comic Books Are the New Mainstream by Rachel Friedman

Millions of Americans are fans of comic book creations, and many might not even know it.
"There were more than 140,000 people who attended Comic Con International in San Diego this year, the largest of any year and the most-attended show of any convention in California," said Mike Richardson, president and publisher of Dark Horse Comics ( "More than the attendees, the tenor of the show was set by the exhibitors. Every major and many minor movie studios had big booths, as well as mainstream book publishers like Random House, Penguin, Chronicle and others. More than comics, the show was about popular culture in all its forms."
Richardson should know, since his company publishes graphic novels and comics that have been source material for movies that most consumers don't realize came from comic books. In addition to publishing the source material for box office hits like Sin City and The 300, Richardson has been the executive producer of some of the movies launched from his company's properties, including:
• Hellboy and Hellboy 2, starring Ron Perlman • The Mask, starring Jim Carrey • 30 Days of Night, starring Josh Hartnett • Barb Wire, starring Pamela Anderson • Mystery Men, starring Ben Stiller
"When you go back over the numbers, eight of the top 10 movies of 2008 came from either comic books or science fiction/fantasy genres," he said. "Comic books are no longer thought of as cheap, disposable entertainment for kids. Over the last 20 years, it has become an inexhaustible source of rich intellectual property for movie studios and producers. That's Hollywood talk that means comics have a lot of good, original stories that appeal to everyone, and not just kids."
Richardson founded Dark Horse in 1986, during a time of creative explosion and milestones in the comic book industry. It was the year that The Watchmen, the best selling graphic novel of all time, was published. DC Comics' revisionist Batman story The Dark Knight Returns was also published in the same time frame. At that time, the industry was dominated by the big two publishers, Marvel Comics and DC Comics, and Richardson thought the industry could use an independent voice that could foster an atmosphere for creative professionals or creative (and financial) freedom. Today, Dark Horse Comics has grown to become the third largest comics publisher in the United States, and remains the number one independent voice in the industry.
As a result, Dark Horse attracted top storytellers from the Marvel and DC, as well as from other smaller independent companies. Today, Dark Horse Comics has grown to become the third-largest comics publisher in the United States.
"The comic industry's influence on popular culture is evidenced by the fact that we are now publishing in dozens of countries around the world, and even taking some of the best comics from those countries and publishing them here," Richardson added. "In conjunction with our sister company Dark Horse Entertainment, we now possess more than 350 properties currently represented under the Dark Horse banner, serving as the jumping-off point for comics, books, films, television, electronic games, toys, and collectibles. And it's all part of the mainstream, now."

About the Author
Rachel Friedman is a Staff Writer at News & Experts.

taken from :

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

Taruh gambar di PHOTOBUCKET

Hari-hari ini, setelah acara selesai, kumpulin ratusan foto di komputer, lalu loading (UPLOAD) ke PHOTOBUCKET.

Photobucket SuperYoss - Event

Minggu, 01 Februari 2009


Pahlawan favoritku, biar kurus (keceng) gak pa pa ... SUPERMANNNN... asyekkk...